Hill Work For Half Marathon Training

Hill Work For Half Marathon Training

The best half marathon training sessions you’re not doing – yet! How’s your half marathon training going? If you’re joining us at the Windsor Half Marathon in September – or doing any other Autumn half – you’ll have started training. Does your training plan include...
Stop Making These 5 Hydration Mistakes

Stop Making These 5 Hydration Mistakes

Feel better and run faster by taking hydration seriously Getting your hydration levels wrong can have a serious impact on your running – and recovery. It’s not just about how fast you run. Being dehydrated can affect your digestion, your heart, and even your...
6 Ways to Make Running A Habit

6 Ways to Make Running A Habit

You’ve started running, here’s how to carry on and make it a healthy habit! Running is a great way to exercise, and entering a race like the Windsor Half Marathon is a fantastic way to keep going. But if you want to make running part of your everyday life, you need to...