
Half Marathon Training

Training for the half marathon event could be a useful milestone in the build-up to the ultimate goal: the Marathon!

Whether you want to run in progressively longer races over time, or whether you simply want to run at the Windsor Half Marathon, it is very important that you have a training plan. If you have a plan compiled by a professional coach:

    you are less likely
    to get injured

    you will be more motivated

    you will maximise
    your performance.

    To help you train for the event, we have downloadable training plans available.

    There are 2 programmes available: beginner and intermediate, so there will be something for you whatever your standard.

    Important Notes:

    • Ensure you have a 10-15 minutes warm up jog before your speed sessions and walk or jog your recovery.
    • Don’t forget to also have a 10-15 minutes cool-down jog after your session.
    • Always substitute cross training for running if you are injured, very sore or if it is not safe to run.
    • Always stretch for at least 10 minutes after your runs
    • Always eat within 20-30 minutes of finishing a run
    • Always train at your target pace, don’t compromise or run too hard. Tiredness always catches up.
    • Most importantly – have fun and train where it is safe.