
Technical Articles

Perfect Pacing For A Half Marathon

Perfect Pacing For A Half Marathon

Take control of the pace at your next half marathon There’s more to running a half marathon than just getting from A-B. If you want to run a fast half (or even get a PB!), you need to think about each section in between: the miles (or kilometres), the minutes, and the...

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10 At-Home Habits To Avoid Injury

10 At-Home Habits To Avoid Injury

Aches and niggles can easily bring your running training to a halt, or even wipe out your half marathon goals completely. Introduce these quick and simple healthy habits to keep your body moving freely. Added bonus: you’ll feel less achy in the mornings, too! Daily...

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Half Marathon Week Dos and Don’ts

Half Marathon Week Dos and Don’ts

One week until the Windsor Half Marathon! Here’s a quick checklist of things to do…. This is it – the Windsor Half Marathon is almost here. You’ve stuck to your training plan and ticked off the long runs. What do you need to focus on in this final week? Running: The...

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