5 Ways To Sleep Better – And Run Faster!

5 Ways To Sleep Better – And Run Faster!

You know sleep makes you feel good. But did you also know it can help you run faster and recovery better? It can even help you lose body fat. Sleep is our secret weapon for sports performance, weight loss, a healthy immune system, and even how well you deal with food...
7 Steps To Get Into Racing Mode

7 Steps To Get Into Racing Mode

Spring races are around the corner – here’s how to get your brain and body into race mode! 1 Prep and plan There’s no such thing as too much preparation for racing! Planning and prep will give you confidence, free up mental space, and allow you to approach race day...
3 Nutritious Winter Soup Recipes for Runners

3 Nutritious Winter Soup Recipes for Runners

Our favourite healthy soup recipes to help you run and recover! As we head closer to the end of the year, salads are out and soups are in. If you want to avoid too much stodge but still fill yourself up, good soup recipes are invaluable. The best soups are packed with...